Author: BNazAdmin

  • Ladies and Gentlemen, Start Your Engines, March 23, 2024

    START CONVERESATION If you were in a witness protection program, what would be your new name and where would you go? (Innocent McNobody or Gerald Fingerpointer) Would You Rather Never […]

  • The Call That Lasts a Lifetime, March 16, 2024

    START CONVERESATION What do you think about raising ostriches? What do you do when you’re home alone and the power goes out? (PG Please ????) Do you know any good […]

  • When the Plan Comes Together, March 9, 2024

    START CONVERESATION START TALKING This evening, as we come to Romans 8:28, we are ascending to the very pinnacle of God’s truth and revelation. I’ve been telling you that Romans […]

  • How to Pray with Assurance, March 2, 2024

    START CONVERESATION START TALKING Our Earth is perfectly designed. It’s “just right” for the atmosphere we need. Its size and corresponding gravity hold a thin layer of gases to protect […]

  • Living on Your Tiptoes, February 24, 2024

    START CONVERESATION START TALKING How often have you used the word “A-A-A-R-R-R-G-G-G-H-H-H!” In a way this strange word has a unique relationship to the biblical text. The also has much […]

  • Finding the Life You Want, February 17, 2024

    START CONVERESATION START TALKING The Walt Disney movie “Pollyanna” is a favorite movie of many. It is about a little girl who has a positive influence on her community and […]

  • Spread Your Wings, February 10, 2024

    START CONVERESATION START TALKING We always want to try and do the right thing! One way is to ask the question “What would Jesus do?” Whatever you think Jesus would […]

  • Blessed Assurance, February 3, 2024

    Romans 8:1-4 START CONVERESATION What is something you’ve never done but would like to try to do? What is something you’ve tried but would never do again? START TALKING Some […]

  • Living On Your Tiptoes, January 27, 2024

    I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. Romans 8:18 This will probably feel uncomfortable, but I want you […]

  • Do You KNOW Who You Are? January 20, 2024

    The spirit himself testifies with our spirit that WE ARE GOD’S CHILDREN. Now if we are children then we are heirs, HEIRS WITH GOD AND CO-HEIRS WITH CHRIST. If indeed […]